Friday, March 10, 2006

It's Life

I try to avoid
What you want me to tell you
You make me crazy when you write and ask millions of questions
And you make me crazy when you don’t speak at all

But what I can say is
That every morning when I drive
Through the back-roads of this half-conscious town
The sun is rising in the distance right in front of my eyes
Its blazing orb is battling the last night’s departing, purple clouds
As the new-born sunbeams - the ambience of gods - shyly flicker above

Its primordial presence is incredibly enchanting
As Tara bows in reverence, in the cool-morning mist
But it is not just the terrestrial spectacle in its beauty that humbles me
I could almost swear - I can see right through the thermosphere
to the billions of stars in the spiral of the Milky Way

I can feel the tears falling as they gently kiss my lips
And I suddenly realize that I can not breathe
I try to convince myself that it is not you who makes me feel this way
Since even when I would speak in thousand languages
You would still not be able to understand me

That sometimes it seems like I was born for you
That even when you are so far, I could feel you so near
That your soul is with me every undying night
And your voice is like an echo constantly in my mind

But there is nothing we can do, it’s life!

And It is Absolutely Insane!

Häly Laasme

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