Friday, March 17, 2006

Obsessions of the Wind

Have you ever shared the obsessions of the wind
In the serenity of solitary contemplation
The blindness of your eyes will make you listen
The distinct resonance noting its existence

You can recognize its presence in the heavens
Become conscious of its shifting moves
Its strokes seem not as erratic as believed to
Is the judgment of its mischief from the distance

You can hear it combing the treetop after treetop
As fragile leaves rustle under its weight
And its loving embrace of returning twilight
Blooms sweetness of jasmines to the air

It will gradually tiptoe around you
Slowly wrapping its zealous breeze
While its hazy fingers tousle your hair
Fervent waves of kisses poison your head

The existence of world you forget to remember
As deceitful whispers blaze down your ears
All you sense are the closeness of heartbeats
While you’re utterly slaved by its love and passion

Suddenly the dusk will fade away from your eyes
And you realize there is nothing to see
Only the absolute tranquility -
Not even a leaf shivering on the tree

You assume it was a delirious dream
A figment of your fevered imagination
But be no wrong in the moment of confusion
It harbors injustice in your mind’s deliberation

Because once your weak eyes are fallen again
The warm embrace brings familiar feelings
As it gently brushes over your fainted body -
All you can hear is just the wind and its whispers

Häly Laasme
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