Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The Veil of Silence

I am so sorry for all the anguish I’ve caused
I never realized my silence could seed hurt such broad
That it could paint the dark clouds to thy sky
Engulf thee with feelings of failure somehow

Oh darling, thy thoughts breathe vicarious fantasy
But thou do not bear any fault in this reverie
Don’t let the gloomy moods haze eloquent memory
Prologue was inked with more than one protagonist

I know, not all the words are as light as the feather
At dark nights they can sink even ones who are wiser
But I will walk thee through the lines in the shadow
Shun all those stanzas that are filled with the sorrow

Thou have treated me with the same kind of grace
Days flew through beryl valleys with thy gentle voice
All sketches in achromatic found the strokes of hue
Through thy words like Aphrodite in the foam of sea I grew

But my sun and moon are carried on the back of salamander
I have learned to hide myself under the veil of silence
It’s the only way I know how to cope with the pain of fire
To crawl in the world so unaware of my presence

My dear, thou should not let rain on those beautiful paints
Thee Magician has not failed in the quest to create
I do feel as Blodeuedd spelled out of blossoms of oak
While should be the bird of the night for the hurt that I’ve caused

My heart is entwined with world that can not take thy pain
Thus dark clouds in thy sky became into mine to rain
My grief made me yearn more for thy voice to whisper
Wished thy words to spread wings like swans to lift my silence

Häly Laasme
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