Wednesday, November 29, 2006

You are not Worthy of My Heart

I was such a fool in believing that my heart was worth to you more
You didn’t even bother to bestow a minute for me in your thoughts
This is the end of the path - I’m not going to fight for love anymore
I must have been out of my mind to dream that you would ever care

I used up all the colors in the world to paint the stars for the heavens
But your desires made you too blind to distinguish any difference
Don’t say another word - they all faint in the wake of a daylight
You are not worthy of my heart, nor the window to my soul

So many nights I tossed and turned sleepless between the white sheets
You entwined my passion with fire that burned all the candles to wick
I yearned for embrace of your arms and the kisses of your warm lips
Why it took me forever to realize - you don’t deserve any of this

I arranged every note to freeze in time for the endless beauty of melody
My soul followed through octaves to the tones carried by the wind
Listen to my heart - the love binds all its words that render me breathless
I’ve become too frail to go on loving someone to whom I am so worthless

Our worlds are so different and unique like the seasons with their change
What ever may come - my tears would learn to rain and flood all the pain
No words of Shakespeare or nights full of jasmines could poison my head
Apologizes mean so little until you have proven to me that you care

Am I too ignorant of wishing your affections in vanilla and cinnamon swirls
When the lights go out, I always end up standing under the waterfall all alone
It is so freezing from the cold that it makes my body tremble and the lips blue
I’ll love you until the end of time, but there will be no second chances for you

Like the pink petals of orchids on the vine are such exquisitely clustered
My desires made love to your whispers that imagination bloomed to serenades
How would one be able to eat or sleep under magical spell of the honeysuckles
No man would ever be granted this privilege to drink from my lips again

I don’t ask you to move the crests of the Alps beyond the glaciated Himalayas
Or reverse the movements of vast ocean currents between the Hemispheres
I don’t expect for the Hanging Gardens of Babylon or the Jewels of Nefertiti
All I wish is to be loved through ones thoughts to the heart within - and no pretend

But the castles will fall into ruins if you make me not worth a single flower
The saga of romance will fade to a legend without ones fervor to light the fire
How did I become such a fool and consent you to treat me so minuscule
You are not worthy of this heart and forever banned to this soul

Häly Laasme
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White Butterflies

Million white butterflies poise in the skies
Like a mirage in the green meadow
I wonder if the world can foresee
The death and the life they yield

The shadows of lies wrap all the land
While kissing the feet of Osiris
The cold nights make the world stand still
While freezing the picture through its lens

So many of them that no one can fight
Only fools will dream of breaking the bind
At the end of the day they will never disappear
Only fall off the earth to fill out the heavens

Do their snowflake wings ever get tired
from carrying the world that does not sing
What if there will be no more meadows
how would one hide from the coldness of shadows

White are the butterflies that cover my eyes
Lifting me off from the bleeding ground
Eternal is darkness that mirrors no light
As I fall and fall to the abyss of asphyxia

There are no answers to bear the truth
Only the fog that shelters the conscious
No words that can fracture the mirrors
Doors to cold hands that choke you to breathless

The contours of the world slowly fade away
As the blackness of shadows veils the pain
The open wounds will never bleed again
Only the white butterflies forever will remain

Häly Laasme
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