Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Labyrinth of Cinnamon Roses

I became a slave to my own fervent desires
The magician who crafted the cradle of pain
And now, I‘m afraid only Wisdom of Salomon
Holds the key to solve this puzzle of vain

Every sunrise opens my eyes in this labyrinth
Where I hopelessly wander through the paths of maze
Filled row after row with wild cinnamon roses
That grow like a weed with no beginning or end

If I try to run, they will bind my hands and legs
The more I struggle its thorns scratch me to bleed
I know, I’ve witnessed the way out of here before
It must have been by a bird’s view in my dreams

With every falling star I wish to understand
Why this haunting nightmare never finds its end
Even bowed my head to thee All Mighty
In wish to grow wings that could break me free

But still from every waken daylight to fallen moon
I find myself stuck in this maze of cinnamon roses
And the voices within keep begging the question
Is this a creation of grave-master of my dreams

There is no exit for the sinuous path of this labyrinth
Déjà vu is reminiscent only once in a blue moon
No scissors are sharp enough to cut through these binds
Only free from this world can grow wings that could fly

I guess I am destined to wander here forever
I might as well learn to put up a roof over this hell
Become immune to the stings of venom before they will kill
Grow to be deaf and blind to the voices within

Häly Laasme
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